
A Saga - The Ancients

Daybreak, I awoke in an old forest encampment after yesterdays dreadfully unforeseen events. My heart was still throbbing and my body ached from running a distance that would have taking days done in one night. I arose and started to walk around to familiarize the surroundings, and soon found that I cannot take more then three steps without my hind legs buckling and suffering severe cramps. At a slow pace, I saw some old captain’s cabins, a mess hall, portable barracks, and empty weapon caches. This was here for century’s maybe even a millennium, but why and for what reasons. Remembering a metaphor, said when I was young, “Knowledge is power and unity, and power corrupts those who without unity, and unity annihilates those without power. When someone does balance power and unity, they’ll be the perfect leader.” I only believe it was true. Regrettably, beliefs and occurrences are two different things. I continued on, and noticed that one of the large barracks doors was ajar.
I crept over to the large door; I found it to be heavy despite its appearance. Minutes later, the door shattered into pieces due to rotting from the inside. Carefully journeying inward, a wave of foul odor struck hard, I could not stand it and left immediately. I became physical and mental disgusted, to the point where I had to find somewhere to dispose bodily waste. At this point, I either have forgotten or didn’t care about my muscle pain. Either way, it wasn’t my concern because the smell was getting stronger. Quickly deciding to leave the area, I began sprinting in an eastward direction to escape its stench. After a short distance, my muscles were slowly cramping and beginning to seize; but my heart was racing and stomach is turning yet, I couldn’t stop until I far away from the encampment. Eventually, I found another entrapment except this one has a spring.
The area was quiet and surrounded by nature’s lore, I thought, “Its too perfect. I won’t desecrate its beauty by releasing myself within the shrub ring. If my father was alive, he say, ‘Come see this, my child. Now child, look at one of the few remaining miracle’s of lore, in this case its one of natures. This maybe the one and only time that you’re going to see it, because the anti’s will soon change everything we know loved and that you grew up around. This will be gone in a matter of years if someone other than us finds out, so I leave in your paws to do whatever it takes to keep this exactly the way you remember it. Will you do it for our tribe?’”
“Yes father, I will protect it with my life if I have to,” I yelled. A short distance away and suppressing my disgust; I was near a hefty trunk that was suitable for what I needed to do. I circled around so that I couldn’t be seen and rested my right paw against it, and vomited continuously. Afterwards, I wiped my mouth and continued towards the entrapment, and I wash myself. Reaching the entrapment, I decided to bathe in the fresh spring water. Searching for a spot to undress and hide my articles, I spotted a thick stump that was the perfect size. I went for the opposing side away from the water. As I undressed, I found a decaying hole that was big enough to store and conceal my things. I placed my satchel tribal sash and scarf and the rest of my clothes into the stump. Then walking into the water quickly finding it was a hot spring, which was what I needed.
After a long soaking and cleansing, I exited and got dressed. I wanted to find a spot to relax here before leaving and continuing along to another village or capita in hopes of finding my long lost but not forgotten sister. To everyone we are friends but they are wrong she is a tribesmen and family. I yelled out in frustration, “Where are you, Milady Saquaery?” I saw the best spot to relax and catch my breath before I continue. I headed towards a rotting log at water’s edge and it over looked the entire area. As I did, there was the sound of shrubs rustling in the breeze, except it was a calm day and there wasn’t even a wisp in the air. It was strange, but I didn’t let it bother me. I reached the log and stood upon it, and stretched out my body. Everything was fine until a noise echoed from the distance.
I thought, “Maybe another glory seekers on a quest to find the legendary treasure of the Poules tribe; then again, they’re in search of the mythically white skinned creature with a periwinkle glow. This is believed to roam in the warm regions and hibernate in the forbidden Temper-poles during the cold seasons. Hmmm, it’s a tough decision but I’ll bet it’s not the former; then again, it could not be the latter. Either way, it doesn’t concern me or a reason to get jumpy.” I spun left so I could see what if and thing was going on behind me. Mostly, caused by fear of the unknown my mind was racing with different scenarios; I wanted to feel at ease because I didn’t know if anything would emerge from the surroundings. At that moment, a shrub started shaking behind me. I cautiously turned my head around to see what was making the noise. As I did, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. The blue skinned creature was curious as to what it maybe, so she continued to draw her attention towards it.
When she saw the noisemaker, it was a strange looking creature that pried the branches apart to peer in. She was baffled and thought, “What is it? Is it another creature? It couldn’t be, then again I’ve to travel more often. That’s beside the point, just what type species is it? Where did it come from and what is it doing here?” This is an unusual looking creature had two ears that always stood straight up, even poking its head into the shrub. She thought, “That’s odd. Why are they like that?” The blue skinned creature was still looking at the creature peering through the shrub. That creature had some other things that were somewhat strange about it. Its fur color was blue and it stood on two legs, and why did not roam on all four legs. This was the strangest thing I had ever seen. The creature looking through the shrub became frightened and quickly retreated. As it did, it tripped on something and made a loud sound. This was loud enough to scare me.
She turned her head back around and ran. I sprinted to another secluded water entrapment, thinking that this was remote distance. The blue skinned creature stopped here to rest, catch her breath, and think back about what she’d saw just moments ago. My heart is palpitating and suffering agony because of my throbbing leg pain. I can’t stand for much longer, if I did then my knees will buckle and causing broken bones. Quickly, I searched for a spot to sit down, and saw a large flat rock over looking the water. I stumbling towards it and lie back on the top of it. I was feeling sleepy and started yawning, slowly and without realizing I dozed off. As the moon started to rise in the pitch-black sky, the blue skinned creature awoke in wooded area. She rubbed her eyes and was shocked at the time lapse.
She thought, “I can’t believe that I slept that long. Wait, that strange blue creature I saw earlier had some sort of carrying device. That strange device must contain something useful that’ll help me with my quest.” Therefore, she ran towards the other entrapment that she was at previously in the day. Roughly, at the halfway point, she stopped and thought, “I bet that creature is sleeping. Therefore, I should proceed softly and silently from here. I don’t want to wake it up by making any sudden noises.” She then walked slowly and quietly toward the other water entrapment, not to make unwanted sounds. Once she had reached the wooded area that held the water entrapment, the creature with the blue skin that had a reddish glow carefully walked up to the common shrub. She looked through the common shrub being very careful not to make any noises that might wake up the creature.
She turned her head to look to the left. At first, she didn’t see the blue-furred creature. Then she started to circle around to the right. She stopped her search when she saw the blue creature straight in front of her and the strange carrying device. To her surprise, she thought she saw another creature, but wasn’t quite sure. She started to walk out of the common shrub, being careful not to make any noises. At first glance, the other creature did look exactly a like in appearance. She continued to walk closer this one appeared seemed to have red fur and looked like it was smaller than the blue creature that she saw earlier. As the creature with blue skin that had, a reddish glow walked closer to the blue and red-furred creatures. She saw the strange “carrying device” that the blue-furred creature was wearing when she had seen him for the first time. She walked closer to the “carrying device.”
Once it was in her reach, she picked it up and started to quietly walk away with it. As she was walking closer to the common shrub, she had to walk by the strange creatures. First, it was the red one; then there was the blue one. She had walked past the red creature with ease. Now, all she had to do was pass by the blue one. As she walked by the blue creature, it started to roll over in its sleep and extend its arms. The blue one extended its arms and grabbed her leg as she was walking by. She did not know what to do except to go into a panic. However, she calmed down, and looked around for something to put between the creature’s arms and her leg so she could leave. After looking for a few moments, she found a rock in front of her.
She picked up the rock, then lifted the blue creature’s extended arms around her leg, and removed her leg from its grip. She then placed the rock in between its arms and where her leg was, then put its arm around the rock. She then proceeded toward the common shrub for a quick but silent escape before they noticed. Once she reached the common shrub, she crawled through it carefully. Once the creature with the blue skin that had a reddish glow made it through the shrub, all that is left to do was quietly make her way back to the halfway point. From that point she would be able to sprint back to the wooded area that contained the water entrapment, search through this strange “carrying device,” and try to find anything useful. She started walking back to the other water entrapment area that was a fair distance away. As she walked closer to the halfway point, she became anxious, and started to wonder what was in this strange “carrying device.” It had become quite heavy over the distance she had traveled.
She picked up the rock, then lifted the blue creature’s extended arms around her leg, and removed her leg from its grip. She then placed the rock in between its arms and where her leg was, then put its arm around the rock. She then proceeded toward the common shrub for a quick but silent escape before they noticed. Once she reached the common shrub, she crawled through it carefully. Once the creature with the blue skin that had a reddish glow made it through the shrub, all that is left to do was quietly make her way back to the halfway point. From that point she would be able to sprint back to the wooded area that contained the water entrapment, search through this strange “carrying device,” and try to find anything useful. She started walking back to the other water entrapment area that was a fair distance away. As she walked closer to the halfway point, she became anxious, and started to wonder what was in this strange “carrying device.” It had become quite heavy over the distance she had traveled.
The creature with the blue skin that had a reddish glow stopped and thought -- “I wonder if I should wait until I make it all the way to the wooded area with the water entrapment. Then again, maybe I should walk far enough so that I’m about halfway between the odd looking creatures and the water entrapment area. I could then sprint off in a different direction, just in case we were to cross paths again. If they see me again with this heavy thing, I could always remain one step ahead of them in the long run.” Therefore, she continued walking until she thought she was far enough way to sprint. She started to sprint towards the water entrapment. She then changed directions to head north. “After acquiring this strange heavy object from their encampment during nightfall, I have remained one step ahead. A high endurance level gave a thirteen-hour advantage from them. I don’t know if they’re willing to pursue,” She thought.
“If they are, there’s a minimal seven hours distance between us if they’re in town. While I was in ‘Starlit Plains’ at the hockshop, I kept wondering why the shopkeeper wouldn’t trade. It just doesn’t make sense why she refused to barter for some goods, yet I did manage to hock at that green squirrel’s caravan. At first sight, she seemed familiar to another creature, she has similar characteristic but they’re only minor. However, I can’t quite remember when or where it was that I saw her. However, she reminds me of a friend I met seventy years ago. She’s most likely passed away due to age or in the remaining days of the great wars between two of the most highly respected families on this planet,” thought the creature with blue skin that had a reddish glow. “The first family resides on this continent, whereas the other family is on the other side of the planet. Where it resides on its own continent and its domain was divided into seven different territories due to the war. That green squirrel reminds me of the late great highly respected and honored Great high elder Teqemis’ daughter, Princess Onzety.”
I wonder whatever became of her after the Great War had ended. Yet, the last thing that I can remember about the Great War is when it was about to finally end. The first daughters from each high council member’s families were told to go into hiding. No one has seen them since the war was finished over three hundred and twenty years ago. What did happen during or after she was sent into hiding with the other daughters? How has she managed to stay hidden for this length of time? How could she have been able to survive for over three centuries and somehow still be alive?”
“Maybe that green squirrel back at the trading caravan was the Princess. If so, has she and all of the others started to come out of hiding, change their identities, and proceed to acquire common jobs to stay hidden from their respected families?” She shrugged her shoulders at the thought that the green squirrel could be the Princess, and that she was a wandering trade caravan. “I should continue walking to the next town before it gets dark. I’d prefer to spend this evening in a nice warm comfortable bed at the local inn at town, rather than spend another night camped out by another water entrapment again.” The creature with the blue skin that had a reddish glow continued walking to the next town that the hockshop owner had mentioned to her earlier. After a half hour had passed before she had any contact with another creature, she was now close enough to see a blurry image of the town and she estimated that it was another six hours of walking from her current position. She could see the town’s welcome sign at the border. It read: “Welcome to ‘Icy Springs’ Pop. 462.” She had been there before over four centuries ago; it was before the Great War had begun.
The reason that she was in the town was to have meeting with Princess Onzety by her request. “That was the first time that any creature had asked for my presence or even knew of my existence. I was told to meet the Princess at the docks with a response to a comment that was addressed to me, when a creature said, ‘Your cheeks are turning redder than when a fireberry bush’s berries are in full bloom.” I responded with, ‘You must be mistaking by my natural reddish glow that must have produced a darker tone than it normally would. When I heard that first part of the message, I thought it was some other creature that was trying to play a prank. It only took a second for me to realize that there was only one other creature that could’ve known what to say and the response,” the creature thought. “I then turned around to see that it was the Princess, but she wasn’t wearing her ceremonial gown yet she was dressed in a high cleric robe. At first, it did seem strange to see her in a middle-class uniform, yet again, she was royalty and she probably had her reasons for wearing a clerics robe. She carefully walked along the wooden boards on the dock to where I was standing, the first thing that she said to me was, ‘Excuse me, could you walk towards the middle of the wharf to where I am?’ I didn’t really have much of a choice but to honor her request, so I walked halfway down the wharf to meet her.”
“I said, ‘Who are you? How do you know of my existence?” She responded, “My name is Princess Onzety. Just call me Onzety. Most of the creatures on this continent do consider me a Princess. The reason why they do is my father Teqemis who’s the Great high elder. As for your second question, here is my answer: I knew of your existence because I have found a century old document that had a small recording of your species in existence at the castle’s private library.” I had another question for her, “Why did you still knowingly request my presence with the knowledge of what indescribable things that my species had done to your ancestors?” She answered, “The reason why I had requested for you to meet with me was for a single purpose. It wasn’t to talk to you about the things that your ancestors did.”
“The reason why I sent you the note was out of respect and in return that you would only listen to what I had to say. I require your help with a problem that is very urgent and needs an outside source. The problem is that I believe that there’s going to be the last war between the two most respected families. Since there isn’t a creature that believes that your species still does exist, I had an idea that you could be the ghost in the shadows for me until this war begins or if it even does happen,’ she continued. “If you were generous enough to help me out, I would see that a good fortune is headed in your direction before anything actually happens. I wish that you would accept this plan. If not, then we could become the best of friends in time.” I had a lot to think about before I could give her my answer to her task. It only took a few minutes to figure out what I was going to say, “Onzety I shouldn’t even try to fulfill your request, for if I did I would be in grave danger of becoming entangled in your family’s issue. Therefore, I have only one reason why I shouldn’t even think about partaking in such an implausible request.”
“The only reason is that if there is a war on the horizon then I don’t want to be the first one on the battlefield. I could and may well be the last of my species. I still have another three centuries to live and I wouldn’t want to waste any of those years fighting in a battle. However, I will take it as an honor in the second part of your mission: I will become one of your friends. The one friend who is, as you did put it, ‘a ghost in the shadows.’ I will be there when you’re in danger or in need of help, or when you’re lonely and you just want some creature to talk to. You can count on my presence for that but not for what you have just asked me to do. If you have any other, questions just say them now, and if you don’t then I will be heading off to another region from here. Before I leave I have just one more question to ask you,” the creature with the blue skin said. She answered, “Alright I’ll answer your question but first you have to answer mine.”
“What is your name?” I was shocked that she would want to know my name, but I had a question I desperately needed the answer to. I said, “Ok, my name is Onyx. Now it’s my turn. Whenever I should meet you in the public market or in another town, what should I say to get your attention?” She responded, “If I’m ever in another town or open area, or even when you do come to visit, you can use this nickname that my father has given me.” From then up until the final days of the Great War, I would come to see her in ‘Icy Springs.’ Whenever she wanted to talk to me, she sent her most trusted messenger to take a message to ‘The Three Halo’s Region’ and wait there for three days for me arrive in the area. For forty years, the letters were all the same, except for one day back on Poqstew-Ounigin in 1455. That day was Yertawsen Poqstew-Ounigin 15; I was walking through the ‘The Three Halo’s Region’ on my way towards ‘Starlit Plains’ to buy some goods at the local hockshop.
I decided to stop by there to see if a letter had been sent to me from the Princess. It was most likely a request for my assistance in her social life. It was as usual that there would be a messenger waiting at the local inn, but the note wasn’t about what she had wished to talk to me:

Dear Onyx,
I will write this final letter to you because I am told the war is almost over. My father confronted me two days ago with a decision from the High Council. He said, ‘The council members and I have decided to send our first daughters into hiding in case the negotiations that we have agreed upon don’t work out. I will give you more information when you are ready to leave. Before you leave I wish that you could tie up all of the loose ends.’ Since you’re the only creature who would come to see me out of respect, I thought I would do the same for you in return. I’m sorry that I can’t currently be there to tell you this face to face, but my spirit is there with you while you’re reading the final letter that will be addressed by me. I’ll always remember the best of times and the worst of times of when we were together. I will remember you as my friend who’s ‘the ghost in the shadows.’ I hope we will meet up one day somewhere on this crazy continent, and when that day comes, I hope that you can still recognize me. Until that day comes this is good-bye forever and good luck to you on your long journey.
Now a ghost in the shadows,
If you ever want to meet up again, you’ll always be able to meet me at the first spot where we met each other. If you’re not too sure, where it is, just use our secret message and I’ll answer you every time.
I was shocked by what she had written. There were only three questions that arose from this letter. Those questions were: “What could’ve been that dangerous that it was enough to send her into hiding, and that she couldn’t make any contact with her friends? Was it because of the Great War that she was sent away from the public’s watchful eyes? Could it have been that I didn’t take her up on that request that she made when we first met?” I thought. I then looked up at the messenger and said, “Do you just happen to know any information on just what is going on with the Princess?” The messenger stared at me and he was making subtle paw movements trying to get me to meet him outside of the inn. After I had noticed just what he was doing, he left the inn and so I followed him a few minutes later. When I was outside, he said to meet him on the outskirts of town shortly after dark.
Then he started to sprint away from the inn and out of town. I stayed in town for a few more hours to do some trading then left to meet the Princess’ messenger. I arrived shortly after dark on the outskirts. His instructions were to meet him at the water entrapment just outside the town’s limits. The environment was simply amazing. In the middle of the area was a medium sized entrapment. Its water was clear. Surrounding the edges of the water were combinations of fireberry bushes and raven-throne shrubs in its peak period and they were ready to bloom. Behind the greenery were ivy trees, thistle trees and an almost extinct tree called the red-tipped marred tree but there was very few of them in the area. I thought that I was early so I decided to sit by the water and enjoy myself until he arrived.
So, I walked over to a nice rock by the water. The rock had a flat and a smooth surface, which was a perfect place for me to sit on and try to find something else to do to pass the time. After a few minutes had passed, I started to ponder on this letter that she had sent me. “What does she mean by; ‘I hope we will meet up one day somewhere on this crazy continent, and when that day comes I hope that you can still recognize me’? Was she trying to hint at something that I do just not understand yet? Is it another one of her coded messages that she wants me to use whenever another creature that I think is she? What is the response to the code when I ask any creature? Why did she write this, ‘If you ever want to meet up again, you’ll always be able to meet me at the first spot we met each other. If you’re not too sure where it is, just use our secret message and I’ll answer you every time’. I’m confident that I understand the first part of her hidden message at the end of the letter, yet I’m not quite too sure on the second half of that message.”
“Does she mean this by what she wrote, ‘When I do come out of hiding I’ll be around the docks at ‘Icy Springs’ for multiple periods of about four days at a time for a duration of two years. If you’re ever at the docks when I’m there don’t be afraid to walk up to me and say to me our coded message that we had used when we first met. I will always answer you and then tell you to meet me somewhere outside of the town’s limits so that I will remain a ghost in the shadows? What could she be possibly wishing for that she would like me to understand but isn‘t that easy for her to explain? Yet, she must have done it this way for some strange reason, which has given me an unsettling notion and I have a strange feeling that she may have left that part out on purpose. Her reason maybe that she felt it was somehow implausible for her to express her true emotions when she was writing. It may have been either out of the fear that there would be another creature that would ever read her letter, or that she was trying to keep the last of her privacy as royalty, her hope of her message reaching me before any other creature had a chance to read it. In addition, that her dream would come true once I had received her message, I would immediately understand just what her message was,” Onyx thought. “I would fully understand all of her pain, misery, sorrow and hardship that she had to go through to send one that she trusted out of her three personal messengers with her final good-bye letter. From the time I received Onzety’s farewell message until now, I have spent every passing minute pondering on what she could mean.”
“Within the past few moments, I have started to get a strange disturbed feeling about just why she didn’t want to fully express herself. Why couldn’t she, or did she choose not to reveal her true emotions to the only creature to which she said, ‘I would trust you with my life because there isn’t another creature who is alive that isn’t afraid of you or of the rumors that are haunting your species.’ I’m wondering why the princess’ messenger has requested me to meet him here.” I continued, “Why here? Why not on the outskirts of town where it’s more convenient for the both of us? What could he have possibly wanted to tell me that am so important or confidential that it requires this much secrecy? Now what I would like to know is if he would be able to decipher the hidden messages in this letter, if there are any at all. In addition, I wish that I knew where he could be, because it is getting late. The moon is in the second of its five-helix cycles. I’d rather not stay here all night waiting for him to show up because I prefer to leave before the moon’s third-helix begins.”
After that final thought, I heard a faint noise that was coming from somewhere behind me within the surrounding trees. Although it was a faint echo, I could tell by the sound that it was a red-tipped marred branch snapping in half. Within seconds of hearing the snap, I immediately knew that another creature was following me. I pondered, “Who is the creature that has followed me here? What I want to know is for how long? At which point did they start to pursue me? Why have they now started to become reckless when I have stopped at this location?” I could feel the fear that was festering inside had started to grow at the thought that there was another creature lurking somewhere within the surroundings. I was scared because I didn’t know to who this creature was after me, and what they wanted from me. After a few minutes had passed, I became nervous.
My mind started to wander and play tricks on me at what could be trying to find me. As time has passed on, it felt as if time had come to a halt. A few seconds now felt as if minutes took an hour, and days and hours felt as if an entire year had passed. I was almost to the point where I would arise from the rock and then proceed to leave the water entrapment and I did not care if the princess’s messenger had made his appearance as I was leaving. I thought, “It’s getting late. The moon’s second-helix is almost over and he still hasn’t shown himself yet. I will give him a few more minutes, but after that I will leave without having a chance to hear what he wanted to share with me.” I then paused briefly. I tilted my head back to look up at the night sky to get a good idea of how much longer I should wait for the messenger. “By the look of the moon’s position I have roughly twenty more minutes before all of the local Inns’ at ‘Three Halo’s’ stop taking in any more travelers and are closed for the night.”
It was now that I heard another noise, but this noise was closer then the previous. However, this was not the sound of a branch being broken but the sound of claws that were being quietly scraped across the ground. The scraping noise could be that of a creature’s hind paw as it walks toward me unknowingly making the sound. Yet, I couldn’t exactly tell by the sound if it was a tall, average, or small sized creature. I also couldn’t tell if it was alone or if there was a group. What I could make out was that the creature wasn’t with a group, but it was difficult to tell if I should leave the area because of the echo of the forest. “I should probably stay a little longer. That noise could be nothing more than the wind blowing around some leaves. The messenger has about five more minutes until I head back to town to rest for the night,” I thought. Shortly after I had finished thinking about what to do next, the noise had become much louder, except this time it was being projected from the right side of the water entrapment.
I didn’t know what to do then, so I rose from the rock and slowly made my way over to the right. As I proceeded closer, I started to feel anxiety build up. Then slowly I started to panic. I was a few feet away from the thick trunk of a red-tipped marred tree when suddenly something shook the raven-thorn shrubs around the tree. The sudden movement had scared me so much that I almost jumped thirty feet straight up to grab the trees closest hanging branch. However, I quickly calmed myself down and slowly crept forward. I was now within mere inches of the tree. I then proceeded to grab the trunk and leaned my body around to the right to see what was there. I couldn’t see anything so I leaned back around to the front. Then I saw the shrubs on the left side. I thought, “I should see just what is on the left side of this tree so I can let my nerves be relaxed.”
Therefore, I hopped over the shrub, and then slowly crept around the tree to the other side. I saw the princess’ messenger sitting down with his back against the trunk as if he was waiting for me. I approached him and said, “I have been waiting here for fifty minutes. Where have you been? What took you so long to get here?” He responded, “I was here twenty minutes ago but I was approaching you from behind. When I saw that you were in deep within your thoughts, I decision to approach you from the right. While I was making my way over to your right I stumbled into some leaves, so I decided to stop here and try to get them out before I continued on to greet you. Do you have any other questions you would like to ask before I share the information that I have for you?”
“Yes actually.”
“I do have few questions for you but I think it can wait until you have shared your information with me first,” Onyx answered. “Well as you’re already aware, your friend Onzety has been sent into hiding because of a decision from the High Counsel. The princess has given me her blessings the best of luck, and asked me to do one last favor for her. This was to deliver this final letter to her best friend I said, ‘who am I looking for exactly?’ She didn’t describe you yet, all she would say was, ‘to look for the ghost in the shadows. You’ll find the creature wandering around between Starlit Plains and Three Halo’s Region.’ She then told me that once I had found you I was to make sure that you red it understood it, and that I was to answer any questions that you would have,” he said. “After this is completed I am officially relieved of my duties as her personal messenger. Now, you said that you had some questions.” I said, “Yes. I do have some questions that I would like to have answered.”
“My first question is why did the council decide to send her into hiding or cast her into exile as I have interpreted. I don’t know the exact reason as to why the High Counsel had made that decision, but I can think of one reason as to why they have done this it’s for her on safety and well being. I do remember something that she said to from the last time that we sat down and talked. It was three days before she asked me to give you this note,” he said. “When I had said to her in a causal way, ‘do you need my services for anything before I leave to see your father?’ She answers, ‘Yes. I would like to talk to you about something that has been bother me for sometime.’ That is when she raised her left forearm, when it was raised she started bending her left paw towards her chest in a continuous motion. She was insinuating for me to enter her room and sit beside her. I couldn’t refuse her wishes, so I entered her room and sat down in a chair that was three feet away for where she was,” he continued.
“That is when she started telling me about what was going to happen to her if this War continues on its current path. She had already discovered what her father’s final plan was on if a major crisis would happen if they were current, actions were to fail. She knew that she was to be banished from the family and remain as an exile, until there came such a point when the family had been ensured that it was safe for her to return,” he said. “After she had finished she asked for me to leave and to return in a few hours. It was at that point that I had noticed that she was looking over my right shoulder to see who was at the door. I turned my head to the right to she that it was her father standing there. I turned my head back around to look at her I stood up out of the chair, bowed to show my respect and proceed to leave her room. I was three feet away from the door when I stopped and bowed to give my acknowledgment of the high elder, then I left the room with the thought that I was asked to return in a few hours,” he continued. “An hour had passed I decided to see her again, while I was walking towards the room, I suddenly halted because I heard a quiet echo that sounded like there was creature crying. The echo was coming from a room that was close, but where was it coming from.”
“How far would I have to travel? Would I have to search each room in every one of the long hallways and corridors? I didn’t want to focus too much on that, but I wanted to find out where the noise was origination from. Yet, I remembered that the princess had said to return in a few hours,” the messenger said. “I then continued on towards her room when the quiet echo was starting to become louder. I then realized that the creature that was crying was Onzety but what could be that emotional that it would cause her to cry this loud? I stopped and sprinted towards the room. Once I had arrived there I said to her, ‘huff, my lady, huff, want has put you, huff, in this mood?’ She lifts her head from her pillow turns to the right and said, ‘I have something that I must do right now. Yet I can’t allow you to be apart of this, I am truly sorry for the inconvenience that I may have caused but I must be alone right now.”
“I will call for you in a matter of minutes so please don’t leave the castle. Five minutes had passed before she wanted me for anything. When she did call for me, that is when she told me to give you this note,” he said.
“Wow, that is a lot of information to take in for just one question. What you have just told me really does answer many questions, yet I can’t quite understand a few things and they are starting to become quite disturbing. I have a few questions about what she has written in her letter,” I said. I then grabbed my hanging pouch from around my hip. I opened it, and with my left paw, I reached in and pulled out the letter. I gave it to him so he could read it and I said, “Do you know what she could possibly mean by ‘If you ever want to meet up again, you’ll always be able to meet me at the first spot we met each other.’ How about this: ‘When I come out of hiding I’ll be around the docks at ‘Icy Springs’ for multiple periods of about four days at a time for a duration of two years.”
“If you’re ever at the docks when I’m there, don’t be afraid to walk up to me and say to me our coded message that we used when we first met. I will always answer and tell you to meet me somewhere outside of the town’s limits so that I will remain a ghost in the shadows.” The messenger had a focused look on his face while he was reading the note. After a few minutes, he tilted his head upward as if he had to talk to me about what he had read. He stared straight into my eyes. While he was looking at me, I noticed that he was showing mixed emotions in his facial expressions. He had a concerned but fearful look on his face as though I had committed an act of high treason. Without the sign of concern in his voice, he said, “Well it’s late, and if you’re going to find somewhere to lodge for the night then I would suggest that you start running towards town right now.” He reached into the right pocket of his jacket, pulled out a strange object, and handed it to me. “If you’re too late then you can find a place to rest at a three story tree stump.”
“It is located three blocks northwest from the market square at the center of town. If this does happen, then go around to the rear and knock on the left door three times. Do not knock any more or less then three times because the residents won’t even bother to let you in.” The messenger continued, “When one of the residents opens the door and asks you ‘who are you and what do you want with us?’ Your response will be ‘I was told to lodge here by the princess’s most trusted messenger,’ then show the creature the item that I have just given you. They will close the door for a brief moment, then it will open for you to enter and stay for the night as an honored request for a friend. On that final note, you should leave me, run away from the entrapment, head towards town and try to find an inn to lodge for the night. We will have another meeting again some other time in the near future. I will contact you when it is safe for us to meet again. Now run away from here before any creature sees you.”
“Go. Good-bye for now.” I didn’t know what to say in response to what he had just said. My initial reaction was to ask a few questions. “Why would there be any creature that would want to follow us or me for that matter? Is there a bounty on my head that I was not aware? Did I commit a crime that was so dastardly that the Elder Teqemis had made a proclamation for a bounty to be instated for my capture?” Yet I didn’t have any time to waste on inquiring on these questions because the moon’s third-helix was roughly ten minutes away. He was right. It was my intention to leave and start sprinting towards town before it got any later. I started my journey by going northeast through the surrounding trees. As I was walking, I was slowing increasing my pace.
A minute had passed before I saw the border of the water entrapment. I went into a sprint and continued until I was out of the forest. When I saw the grass plains with nearby farmer’s wheat fields, I couldn’t stop to enjoy the view. I had a mission to complete. I went into a sprint through the plains as I was looking up at the moon to make sure that I would make it before the third-helix. When I did, I saw that there was roughly five minutes left. I moved my head downward so I could look straight ahead. At that moment, I knew that I had reached the halfway point. I then made a sharp turn so that I would be heading towards the south, still increasing my speed in the right direction to “Three Halo’s.” Shortly after I had changed directions, I looked up towards the clear night sky to check on the moon’s position.
I saw the moon, estimated at its current position that every Inn would close for the night in a couple of minutes. I could see the town from the plains and I knew that it was a minute away from here, but I could only hope that I would be able to make it there in time. I was now running at full force trying to reach one of the towns inns, but as I was getting closer, I was realizing that I was breathing heavily and my pace was moderately decreasing. I came to a halt less than seven feet away from the town’s entrance. I looked up at the moon and I found out that it was too late to stay at any Inn. “However, the messenger told me about a tree stump somewhere in town, but where did he say it was?” I thought. I started wandering through the town. I thought it would be a good idea to start at the market square, so I started walking in a north direction towards the center of town. Now I felt completely exhausted as I continued to walk to the market. I thought, “Well since I wasn’t able to make it to town before the moon’s third-helix had begun, I should use the strange item that the messenger gave me and follow his instructions if I am going to find some shelter for the night.”
“Yet, I can’t seem to remember where this tree stump is or what I am to say when a resident opens the door. Oh well, whatever it is or where it is located, I don’t know but I will probably remember when I am getting closer to the square. Either way I should continue on until I get there and I decide then what is my next plan of action.” Ten minutes had passed when I arrived at the market and I continued until I had reached the center of the square. While I was there, I was starting to remember the earlier conversation with the messenger and what he had instructed me to do if it was late. Onyx couldn’t remember what he had said exactly, but what I could remember was, “you can find a place to rest at a three story tree stump. It is located three blocks northwest from the market square at the center of town.” So, I headed north from the market continuing to walk at a slow pace. Fifteen minutes had passed before I had completed walking three blocks. I then turned left at the third intersection and continued on until I saw the tree stump that he mentioned.
I stopped in front of the stump to catch my breath. While I did, I was trying to remember what he had instructed me to do next. It took a second for my natural instincts to react. “Go around to the rear and knock on the left door three times. When one of the residents opens the door and asks you ‘who are you and what do you want with us?’ your response will be ‘I was told to lodge here by the princess’s most trusted messenger,’ then show the creature the item that I have just given you. They will close the door for a brief moment, then it will open for you to enter and stay for the night as an honored request for a friend.” I walked around to the back to knock on the door, when I arrived I was shocked at what I saw because at the rear of the stump were two different colored doors. The first door was to the left and had a brown color to it. The other door had a smoky gray color.
It looked as if it went through one of the many wars because of the way the erosion markings had aged. I couldn’t quite think back to what he had said about this part. I think he mentioned something about the left back door, so I knocked three times on the left door and started to play the waiting game. Several minutes had gone by before I wanted to try knocking again, except this time I would pound my closed paw against the door. I raised my left arm clenching my paw into a fist and slammed it down on the door when the brown door slowly started to open. It opened just enough for the resident to show it’s head within the crack. The resident was a brown female fox with blue eyes. She had a lethargic tone in her voice, “Who are you and what do you want with us?” I replied, “I was told to lodge here by the princess’s messenger.” I then reached into my pouch and pulled out the object that he gave me earlier and then handed it to her.
Now, I didn’t know what I was going to expect from her when she took the item. Yet, she did exactly what the messenger had planned when I gave her the item: she closed the door for a brief moment then opened it again. She said, “You’re more than welcome to spend the night here but you must leave this stump by the morning. If you do not, then you are putting us at risk for letting you stay here.” I interrupted, “I hate to cut you off, but let me just say thank you for letting me stay here tonight. Now I have a couple of questions. The first is where will I be sleeping tonight. Would you give me directions to where it is located? The second one is, where can I find you if I need something during the night? The last question is what is your name.”
“The reason I am inquiring is in case I am in need of your help during the night.” She continued, “Your room is on the second floor. It is the third door on your right from the stairs. The bathroom is right across the hall from your room. If you have any questions or you need my help, my room is on the third floor. It is the second door on your left from the top of the stairs. Here is the answer to your last question: My name is Codi, and if you need anything else this evening, please let me know before I head off to bed.” I answered, “Not at the moment but thank you for offering. I have one last thing before you go. Would be able to show me to my room if you wouldn’t mind?”
“Oh but of course I will guide you to your room because I am going right by it on the way to my room. If you would care to follow me,” she said. She had extended her right arm and made a gesture with her paw for me to follow her. As I followed her, I went down a hallway that had been decorated with portraits of various creatures. Most of them I have known as some of my friends, and the other creatures’ portraits that she had on display were a complete mystery to me. Among the various pictures, there were three portraits of previous Great High Elders. There were portraits of the Elder Hanitos, who was known and remembered for his command in one of the greatest wars in history. When the war had ended, we found out that we lost, but it wasn’t because of the military or the elders in charge. He had ended the war by a brilliantly bold but daring move: He surrendered to the opposing forces and made a deal with the commanding Elder. According to the public history a scroll, the deal that was told was made was that he would sacrifice his life in exchange for all of his soldiers.
Even the ones in enemy facilities were allowed to return to their families. They were to be sent home without any harm caused by their troops in any way, even in a friendly fire accident. The second portrait was of the High Elder Newonuyes who was remembered for his heroic deeds when a problem arose somewhere across this continent. During his long reign as High Elder, he would go out of his way to solve any dilemma. If there were a simple dispute in one of the towns, then it would normally go to the town’s court. If the local court weren’t able to find a solution, then it was sent to the region court and the region’s elder would solve the issue. When the region’s Elder weren’t able to solve it, he would step in and take this problem on personally. He wouldn’t stop thinking about the dilemma until he had a solution that both parties could agree on. The final portrait was of the Great High Elder Gewipoty. If you were to talk with any creature that is older than four hundred and seventy six years, they would tell you that he was the most famous Elder in history.
He is renowned as the first Elder to sail to an uncharted area, to build a hamlet with a scarce amount of supplies, and for bringing together several different cultures in order to form a new society on these foreign lands. He was the first Elder in recorded history to start a small settlement on this vast continent over six hundred and fifty years ago. He was with a small group of creatures. They had a dream of starting a new beginning for a more civilized culture when it was compared to the other continent’s culture. I was twenty years old when I first saw him in a grassy plains region, which my species called “The Fationuals Fields of Urbratuy.” When it is translated into the universal langue, it sounds like this: “The fields with only one starlight in the night’s sky at the moons third-helix.” The area is now known as “Starlit Plains.” When I saw him, I was shocked by what I was looking at and I couldn’t believe that other creatures would want to live on a grassy plain. I remember that I was hiding a mixture of long blades of wheat and tall patches of Talokian grass playing with my toys that my father had given me as a surprise gift. While I was playing in the field, I heard a strange sound that was originating from the left.
This noise would later become quite familiar. This sound was unique to this region. I had to investigate just what this sound was, so I placed my toys on the ground and started to push my paws through a patch of Talokian grass. I was using all of my strength to ply through the grass. I could ply the grass apart for a few seconds. When I had made a hole big enough that I could see through, I caught a glimpse of what made the noise that scared me that day. I haven’t thought about why I am upholding a promise that I made nearly nine hundred years ago until now, when I followed by the painting. I then remembered why I made that promise and why I am still upholding it. Yet, it strikes me as a little odd why I am keeping this vow that I had made when I was very young. We had walked passed all of the portraits and were approaching the staircase when I stopped following her.
I had a strange creepy feeling that felt disturbing and depressing at the same time. In addition, this odd notion had given me an unanswerable question, “Excuse me Codi, why do you have a portrait of the High Elder Gewipoty hanging in your hallway?” She was curious at what I had said and answered, “It is there as a memorial to bless us with our peace and grace that the residents have shared with travelers, and to guide all of the creatures that have stayed or will stay at this stump. To remind travelers who their ancestors are, and why they have removed themselves to this continent. In addition, he was the first creature who founded a settlement for a new beginning. By doing this, it has created a new form of hope. It has formed new dreams of peace, unity and tranquility for all of those that have followed him to this continent. His superlative dream was for a settlement to evolve into a small town where only one creature monitored the town, but he or she would watch out for acts of crime and retaliate with the proper punishment. As time progressed, this hamlet would grow small groups of creatures that would move out to go exploring. They did eventually settle down to start a new village for their next of kin that would come later in life.”
“Now that I have shared with you some of the many reasons as to why it is there, I would feel honored and privileged if you would be able to ‘help me see clearly in the dense fog at the darkest of night.” The metaphor that she used is considered quite rare and it hasn’t been used in over two hundred years. However, during that time, members of the High Counsel only used that metaphor. When one of the counsel members approached you and said those words, it meant they wanted information from a messenger or a spy who had recently returned. They used it for thirty years until one day the Great War had begun. It then became their code. They used it often during the war but near the end with mere months left, they eventually stopped using it. The reason they stopped using it was because of the fear that enemy spies had breached their strongholds, were acquiring confidential documents, and exporting them to their commanders. At this time, few creatures would still remember it’s proper meaning, and when to utilize it at the precise moment.
Those creatures would most likely be the current Great High elder, a few members of his counsel and the remaining members of the CECS (Closed Encounters Combat Squad) soldiers. I am baffled as to how she could have possibly known this particular encoded phrase and it’s meaning. I don’t think she was alive at that time, let alone even old enough to know what it means or remember when to use it. When she answered the door, it looked as though I would be dealing with a youngster. Codi has the appearance of a creature that is between the ages of fifty-five to sixty-eight. Yet, her manner of intelligence seems to tell me otherwise, that she is seventy to one hundred and thirty years old. If I remember correctly, an old metaphor would help: “If at first, the appearances do seem to be misleading, it’s in the creature’s perception on the issue that will always be able to find the forbidden key of the great chest.”
“I know it’s late, but I have one last favor that I need your help with if you don‘t mind of course,” I said.
She answered, “No problem. I don’t mind doing this one last thing before I show you to your room.”
“Now, what is the problem that requires my skills to solve? I require you and your skills in a seir lea vys,” I said. She responded with a puzzled look, “Alright, I’ll play with you. I believe you have prior knowledge about the process, because if you don’t properly understand just how the game is played, then why would you have made a request for my participation? In any case, I will accept your challenge. If I have understood everything my teacher has taught me, then I will repeat the process until one of us cannot think of another question. I will answer your first question honestly, truthfully and to the best of my abilities. Now, I can only hope that you will do the same when it becomes my turn. Shall we begin the seir lea vys
“My opening question will be quite simple. As we continue, they will become tougher. However, when we reach this point, each answer will require a long contemplation for an honest and truthful answer. Here is my question: do you know if Elder Teqemis has a next of kin?” I said. While I was talking, she went through three different facial expressions. First, it was a look of surprise, and then it turned into confusion, followed by a mixed look of disturbance and distress. It was the last look that gave me an uneasy and depressed feeling as though I had committed a horrible deed. She thought about what I had said for a minute, and then said, “The High Elder had a next of kin. It was his daughter, Onzety. I overheard some creatures talking around the end of the war.”
“It was about how the High Elders’ were going to send the next of kin into hiding until the war was over. Shortly after the Great War had ended, every one of the Elders’ kin returned from hiding. Strangely, she didn’t return with everyone else that had been sent there. Until this day, I haven’t overheard a creature talk about who has seen or received anything from his kin since she went into hiding. I do believe that will answer your question with the limited information I could gather, and verify all of the facts from a fictitious story. Now it’s my turn. Very few creatures accurately know of the Great Elder’s daughter. Here is my question: how do you know for certain he has a child or even if he had children?” I was astonished by all of the information she had shared while answering this simple question. During her speech, I noticed two things that were interesting but very strange for a creature that hasn‘t had a meeting with the princess.
The first and foremost important thing was that she had known about what the Elders had decided to do and the aftermath of that plan. Secondly, from the first time we met up to a month ago, she spent most of her time in the castle. When she wished for my company, a messenger was sent to “Three Halo’s Region” and they were asked to wait there for a week. It took a few days to see her, but when I arrived, she would ask me to sit down with her. We would engage in conversations about everything that was seen by the moon’s yellow glow. Yet, she didn’t mention anything about wandering outside of the castle grounds. That’s the odd part about what she said, how would she have caught wind that he has a daughter.
“The reason as to how I know he has a daughter, is over time I have come across her messengers at different points during my journey. I have helped them on their travels whenever they needed it. After I had assisted the last one, another messenger was sent to find me in order to pass on a request from her for a private meeting. I was told this wasn’t going to be a normal meeting, but it was for her to give her personal thanks, blessings and gratitude for what I have done,” Onyx said. “I have another question for this challenge. Before I say my question, I must give you one of two warnings. The first will be a simple metaphor that an Elder told me. The second is an ancient proverb that my species used among the warriors before they were sent into battle. Its purpose was to encourage rage, enhance their stealth-like capabilities and it would give them a fearful appearance that was memorable. Here is the first warning: when I was young, I saw the Elder Rational here at the marketplace,” I said.
“I ran to her and asked her a simple question, or at least that was what it sounded like to me. She had a confused look when I finished my question. She gazed at me for a minute, and then tilted her head up as if she was staring out into space. Five minutes passed before she gave a peculiar answer. “She said, ‘I cannot give you an answer to your question, even though it seemed to be a simple question that someone would want to ask without a second thought.” I continued, “At first, one would have to stop and ponder on what the correct answer could be.’ She crouched onto one knee so she could look at my eyes. I brushed back my long silver hair, showing her my white eyes. After a short period, the creature wouldn't be able to give a proper answer to that question. I have a reason for doing this because your inquiry will travel along a two-way path and presumably, it will be returned by a sympathetic spirit.’”
“When she was finished, I felt confused, yet entirely distant from her and all of the other creatures that were shopping.” Codi looked at me as though she had a question to ask. She said, “Sorry for interrupting, but I don’t understand what that story has to do with your question. Ok, correct me if I’m wrong. I am following your story and fully understand the purpose for that metaphor the Elder used. Here’s what I can't quite grasp yet and this is where I require your assistance. When she said, ‘this question will travel along a two-way path and presumably, it will be returned by a sympathetic spirit,’ Was that a subtle sign of caution your way of giving the first warning? Then again, your story could have absolutely nothing to do with the following question.”
“The answer to your question is ‘maybe.’ Yes, my story could have nothing to do with the next question. On the other hand, you could argue the answer is ‘no.’ My story may have given you the answer, or even answered a different question. Either way it could be the most possible solution to a burden that would seem impractical, that may help or could damage your line of thinking. The last piece of advice I can give you is, to remember Rational’s metaphor. Don’t become impulsive as we continue but ponder carefully on what the right answer should be,” I said. “I am sorry for keeping you awake for this long, but after this question I will concede until morning. Here's my question, “How old are you exactly, if you don’t mind me violating your personal life? I am apologizing again and thank you for doing this.”
She stared at me for a few seconds and said, “Thank you for apologizing. Now for an answer to your question: it will have to wait until the morning when you’ve had some rest. When I see you somewhere in town, then I will give you my answer. Good-night.” When I awoke from my flashback, I was lost in my thoughts; my initial thought was that I didn’t see her in town that day nor did she answer my question. After a moment, I gave way to a past memory, and I realized that I’ve stopped walking. “It must’ve been my subconscious, because something in my surroundings would have caused it to react. There’s neither a more logical nor a plausible expiation that I could phantom that’ll gives a conclusion,” Onyx thought. I had arrived and without realizing that I was in the “Icy Springs’s” market place. “Yet, I couldn’t begin to imagine just what has happened since my previous visit. That was over three centuries ago, and I’ll never forget what was going on.”
“It was a simple dispute had turned into a decade long savage battle. The commanding elders were still contemplating on their strategies, the results and evasion tactics that would proceed if it failed or captured in the line of duty. As the battle persistent, everyone had become quite scared by soldiers passing by their homes and through towns; even more so by the fact that the elders were recruiting anyone they spotted. However, no one knew that it would go for this long. Yet, everyone continued to pray to the three guiding spirits in hope that their loved one would return home or that the war would end and the fighting would cease,” I thought. “When I entered our capital, at least a few young ones would approach me and tell me their prayers. They probability thought that I was one of the spirits, most likely Popurer the trickster spirit. According to legends and fairy tales, there are three spirits. The first spirit is Yetimo, or the legendary ‘right side architect, left one reaping.’ This one is known for creating a new life in addition to giving an ending.”
“In addition, it’s been documented that it’s able to help anyone in their courtship and in rare occasions give someone a prolonged lifespan. Crying, in my case, sigh, it was the reaping of my family, friends, and tribe. The next one is the legendary Ravnre-storm, when its name is translated it means ‘the heart of a warrior with mind of a commander.’ This spirit’s focal point and area of strength was my creature type; there we worshiped it daily, giving it offerings, in return, we asked the strength to wipe out our opponents,” I continued. “Whenever a war had come, we would pray to the monument in the chiefs hut and we’d continue our pray outside in town square in front of the statues of former chiefs, legendary warriors and commanders. It was our belief that if one of us didn’t pray then all of us would perish because of their abstinence; for which is the greatest crime and must be punished by a higher power; for they will cast a unforgiving and eternal curse a upon their bloodline; and their kin will pass it on to future generations. Luckily, it hasn’t been cast on my family, but I have seen others who weren’t so lucky; they returned from one of the few wars that my tribe acted. I remember it was the last war the tribe engaged in; by last, I mean final that practically caused the extinction of an indigenous species. During this skirmish, my father or tribe elder was in charge, he had set up twenty-seven squads; twelve of the squads contained one team commander, two commutations officers, and four teams of counter warriors. Two of the four teams were trained in fending melee and the others were counter rangers, one was short range and the other was long; out of twenty four warriors twelve were melee, six short bow rangers and six longbow rangers.”
“There were always four five-creature squads; two of them were taken on the task of gathering intelligence, and two were counter intelligence. There are five melee forces and four range forces each equipped with the best weaponry to this day; our melee forces carried ‘Red Tablet armor,’ even though it was incredibly heavy upon contact an arrow would shatter regardless of the distance. This armor was almost impenetrable, meaning that enemy foot soldiers weapons weren’t able to pierce it,” I continued. “Our forces bear a weapon they called ‘The Reaper,’ its made from a mixture of seven troll rock boulders, three containers of western sea water, half of their horns and a fewinry of the warriors blood. The blacksmith’s crew would use their war hammers smash two boulders into medium sized rocks, while the blacksmith would grind the horns into a fine powder. After three days, the smith’s crew would have enough rocks to start the mixture. The crew would send each rock to the blacksmith so that they may begin, she then place the rocks into her oven and heat them for days. When the last troll rock was in the oven, she’d close the door and continue with the next phase; she then mix the sea water and horn powder in a large bowl and stir until it became a clay like mixture. Days later, she would then knead the warriors blood into the clay and let it settle for three months,” I thought. “In the meantime, the warrior the requested his weapon would go under extreme training to gain the knowledge in the art of war; they would learn swordsmanship and how to medical procedures.”
“Enough about, sniff, that it brings, sigh, back to many painful memories. The last spirit is Popurer, the legendary trickster spirit. Popurer is known to be a morphing doppelganger, and if you find her then she will grant you an audience with the spirits. Eventually, my species has thinned out and they’re considered extinct; we’ve become unknown to society. Furthermore, the last time a creature saw her and having the courage to come forward and claiming that they’ve found her was in 1013; however, I haven’t seen nor heard from another tribe’s men in nearly a millennium, and that was before the spirit craze began. On the other hand, I ran into my elder brother Sidten Swertal seventy years earlier; that’s when he introduced me to his fiancĂ©e, Craft Dri-hiuyt. I over heard that they’ve wed thirty years later, but I have heard from either of them since. After that, creatures stopped making proclamations that they’ve seen the trickster. From then on, many have speculated on whether or not they acutely exist; some have declared they’ve spotted one of the spirits, and were given visions of their future or extraordinary powers. Few believed in their stories; but the majority disproved it, and hired someone to prove it’s either an authentic or a complete claw n’ fur story.
Every time the researcher has returned, it turned out that it was a claw n’ fur fable. In other words, no one has found a spirit, nor is anyone willing to say if they have. Therefore, it raises an unanswerable question, do these spirits actually exist or are they just our kin’s fantasies that we believe are true?” I thought. “However, its simply speculation and hasn’t been conformed; and to my knowledge, there hasn’t been a creature that’s willing to provide research that verifies these spirits do exists,” Onyx thought. I wanted to explore the city and observe what the ravages of time have done; I walked around in what was left of the market square. As I proceeded, I was disgusted by I saw; in the center of the square was a statue of the high elder with his two kin and his niece surrounded by a beautiful fountain. It was the ideal picture of peace and tranquility, where you could sit on a bench and become lost in your dreams. Where the statue once stood, now lies a pile of rubble and shatter dreams and vandals have decimated the fountain. Whatever happened to the stalls, the market used to covered with vendors selling their wares. Now its deserted, the vendors have left taking their karts with them, there were few stalls remained but are demolished. ‘Icy Spring’s’ market used to be full of life, happiness, music, and creatures voices that echoed into the air.
challenge with your first question?”
As I pan my view, I became overwhelmed with disgust and sickened by rage at how the times have changed an everlasting and peaceful city. I pondered, “What could’ve done this, was it caused by repetitive malicious acts brought on by vandals? Was it an act of war? Maybe, its what left of a revolutionary war against the empire? Either way, I should find out if there is anything that remains that can bring peace to a troubled mind. In addition, I should also seek information about dear friends survival and/or whereabouts. Now one thing can’t be answered as of yet or until I look around and start asking some questions first. However it’s disturbing to even think of such a question, but how much of the city is altered and what areas remain intact that pays homage to the past elders and heroes?” A chill emerged on tip of my tail, and raced along my spinal cord to the base of my neck. I quivered as it happened, and noticed that my reddish glow had changed into a greenish color.
When I stopped, it quickly returned to normal. “That’s odd… in all my years I have never seen that happen. I’ve had moments of when I all I could think of was fear. I have experienced countless numbers of vicious savage and relentless battles. Even when my life was at risk, my skins radiate glow didn’t change. Yet it was a simple nervous feeling that caused it change, how strange,” I thought. I couldn’t let myself be wrapped up in stupid things like that. I shook my head to clear it and remember what my goals were. I remembered where my friends live and use to hang out, but are those buildings still around. Either way, one of my dearest friends lives close to here and if she’s moved then I’ll head to one of spots where she is bound to show.
I headed northwards to exit the market. When I left, I found myself on a nameless street. I thought the street signs had been taking down and continued walking. After a short distance, I saw that all the street signs had been removed and it become impossible to tell which street was what. I panicked because I didn’t know which road to take and in what direction. I didn’t know what to do except head towards the roadside and collect your thoughts. While I did, two creatures those were headed home saw me and quietly approached. One of them said, “Well, a good day to ye.” They paused expecting answer from me. “Well, aren’t thou rude.”
“If ye doesn’t want to responded to a friendly greeting, then that is fine with me. Allow me introduce myself, I’m Rityewo D’Vymtriunse and this is my fiancĂ©, Sidten D’Aftyner.” She paused again, but I couldn’t reply because it felt like my mind was fastened to the rack and being tortured. It was utter torment. “If your wondering why we approached you, its because Sidten saw and pointed you out to me; he said, ‘She looks distraught as though she seems to be suffering a dreadful loss. We might be able to do something to help in her time of need. I think we should go over there, converse with her and try to find out how we should help.’” He nodded his head in agreement. She continued, “How can we help her? If she needs currency then I’ll give her some; then again, what if she requires food or shelter? Then what.”
“We will ask her to stay the night at our place, give her evening and morning meal, and enough currency to find shelter for at least two nights,” he said.
“I’m fine thank you, but I approach you kindness and courtesy offer. I’m sorry for not replying to your greeting. My name is Onyx, and it is a pleasure to meet you. Could help me, I’ve run into a dilemma and I’m wondering, if you could be generous to act as my guides?” They thought about it for a moment and she answered, “Well sure we don’t mind helping someone in need.”
“Thank you for doing this, and I hope it isn’t a burden.”
“Your welcome, and it’s no problem until there’s one. Ok now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, where would like to go or whom do you have to visit?” he said. I paused for a few seconds to think about what were my priorities, and then answered “Umm, that’s a tough one, hem. Well I have to see an old friend, but first I should head to the docks.”

“Why?” she says puzzled.
“Pardon my rudeness but what concern is it to you?”
“I believed that you might have a reason for going their and that your willing to share,” she said.
“In that case, it’s a personal mission, neigh an obligation that must be carried out.”
“Oh, we live near the docks and headed in that direction. When we’re close Koi will drop off our baggage, and meet up with us later….”
Perplexed by her proposal, I said, “Why would he part and meet us later, and not accompany us to the docks?”
“Hmm, it’s kind of hard….” she said. He lifting his left paw placing it over her mouth and said, “I think it’d be better if I took care of this, ok my camouflaged calypso.” The air thickened like mist has suddenly appeared, the sounds from the pier have deafened and it became harder to breathe with such an emotional atmosphere.
Sensing mixed feelings caused by his actions and the sudden thickening air. Obliviously, exhibiting incredible emotional stress at first I foresaw three retaliations, strike back wrathfully or remain passive or avoid the situation and continue on. However, my instincts said otherwise it felt like I knew what she was going a different route, which is focusing her angry into one short burstful scorn directed at him. She expressed in two ways one is her body langue and the other is what she didn’t say. In addition, another thing was unsaid about a tale of a furry outrage and utter insult, “what should I do? Do I leave and come back later? Should I carry on as planed?” I thought. She turned to face him as if she wanted to argue. He gave his attention to her and stared in to her eyes. She retaliated by returning his gesture; she gazed deeply into his crimson eyes as thou she is hypnotized.
Immediately I saw her frustration dissipating, yet her confusion about my remark remains. Suddenly, an eruption of overwhelming and indescribable emotions sending shock waves of an unmentionable past; I could tell they were having a conversation even though nothing was said, their eyes said it all. I could not make out what they were saying, but at points, I could hear his thoughts and understand her as though I knew her from another time. “Yes. When they introduced themselves they did seem familiar. She reminds me of Onzety, because she is emotional direct and does not take guff. He reminds me of her messenger, but what is his name? Umm… Pyxis Da’Nation though we weren’t introduced, but later on when I was a storyteller, a passerby had over heard my tale and shouted out his name. His traits just stand out like his muscular physique; another is his soft gentle voice but I wonder if the phrase, ‘Strike in stealth but lives in peace’ would mean anything to him,” I thought. During their moment, she reveals incessant days of living in fear suffering and expressive eons of torment and agony. She wears on her sleeve an eternal blaze of hatred from another life that cannot explain.

In ways, we’re alike because of our emotional past, I too felt the same but I’ve buried them long ago. We both bear eternal blazes of hatred expect not on my sleeve, but as a priestess’s gown, which flames of rage continuously burn. However, their passionate love for each other is truly mystical, as though they were meant to be. There traits counter themselves, her intelligence agility and charisma combined his keen senses cultural knowledge and easygoing behavior. It’s hard not to see their perfect together. This moment shall last forever, as everything around ceases, no one’s interacting with each other; like time stopped because of them, I’ve only heard tall tales and dreamt of experiencing. “My dream is, one day I will experience what they’re feeling, when my eternal promise is fulfill and finally reunited with lost brother. If I encounter my soul twin while traveling, would I have the same effect on him as he does on me? Then again, would we become as tightly entangled as them or unravel beneath the canopies?” Onyx thought.

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